Climate change and risks 3 min

Predicting a crop field’s weather

PRESS RELEASE - As the world tries to adapt to climate change, a major challenge is accurately predicting local-level meteorological conditions, such as those found in agricultural landscapes. INRAE researchers recently made a significant step forward: using a supercomputer, they simulated a forest plot's micrometeorological conditions in the early morning. This time period has rarely been modelled at such fine scales, yet it plays a crucial role in predicting the functioning of cultivated ecosystems. Published on July 18 in the Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, this work demonstrates that meteorological forecasts can be obtained at an extremely high level of resolution (~1 metre), making it possible to develop targeted agricultural strategies for mitigating the effects of climate change on crops.

Published on 18 July 2024

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© INRAE - CAUVIN Brigitte

The countryside is a mosaic of croplands, forests, hedgerows, and roads. This landscape heterogeneity gives rise to spatial variability in fluxes of heat, water vapour, and carbon dioxide, as well as in air movement, at scales ranging from millimetres to kilometres. These exchanges have a local influence on the climate, creating zones that may be better or worse off in the case of extreme climatic conditions. 

Understanding this complexity is essential if we wish to develop agricultural strategies that can exploit micrometeorological patterns to mitigate extreme climatic situations. For example, agroforestry systems combine trees and field crops, the result is a reduction in soil evaporation, wind speed, and heat spikes—conditions that favour crop growth. Studying microclimatic variability requires the ability to make extremely fine-scale meteorological predictions that account for exchanges between the vegetation and the atmosphere.

INRAE researchers set out to simulate micrometeorological dynamics within agricultural landscapes using a 5-by-5 km forest plot. Thanks to the Juliot-Curie supercomputer provided by France’s Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), the researchers generated 7.5 TB of data over several months (~26 days of continuous computing) to produce a simulation that recreated mass and energy exchanges on the plot over a 5-hour period. This massive amount of information made it possible to obtain an extremely fine level of spatial and temporal resolution (metres and milliseconds, respectively).

The simulation was used to represent mass and energy fluxes at the top of the forest canopy during the early morning—from 4 to 9 am. This complex period of the day has been little studied because of its high degree of temporal variability, which is linked to surface warming. Indeed, the morning is when the atmospheric boundary layer1  develops and grows, subsequently mixing all the compounds emitted by the surface, including pollutants. The researchers identified differences in exchanges of heat, water vapour, and carbon dioxide between the forest and the atmosphere under conditions of low versus high wind flow. Using this simulation, the researchers reproduced, for the first time ever, the massive early-morning release of carbon dioxide by the forest under conditions of low wind, a dynamic that results from the gas’s nocturnal accumulation within the forest.

This research lays the groundwork for improving how surface exchanges are represented in meteorological and climatic models. Indeed, when models fail to account for surface heterogeneity, they may yield faulty predictions of meteorological conditions at regional scales.

Doctoral research is underway to expand this simulation approach to more complex landscapes, with the goal of studying micrometeorological dynamics in hilly environments where crops and forests are grown together, as well as in agroforestry systems. The aim is to understand how landscape heterogeneity affects microclimatic conditions and to identify strategies for managing agricultural landscapes so as to mitigate the effects of climate change on crops.


[1] Lowest part of the atmosphere directly affected by exchanges between the earth's surface and the atmosphere.


Dupont S., R. Irvine M., Bidot C. et al. (2024). Morning transition of the coupled vegetation canopy and atmospheric boundary layer turbulence according to the wind intensity. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences,

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Climate change and risks

Weathering the storm: first-time study of the impact of soil water content on tree resistance

PRESS RELEASE - Tree resistance to uprooting is a major factor in dealing with the damage done by wind when storms hit temperate forests. As a consequence of climate change, soil water conditions are affected during storms in Europe, due to higher rainfall in winter. How well trees are anchored to the ground varies considerably depending on soil, species, and the age of trees, and yet the influence of soil properties has been the subject of few studies. In the 14 October 2020 issue of Forest Ecology and Management, researchers from INRAE published the findings of ten years of study that modelled the impact of soil water content on the capacity of Pinus Pinaster to stand up to wind. It turns out that the complete saturation of soil is a key factor that leads to uprooting. This is an avenue of research for managing the risk related to storms and the toll it takes on forests.

19 October 2020


Glacier retreat impacts alpine river habitats, leaving biodiversity poorly protected

Temperatures are rising more rapidly in Alpine regions than the global average. Strongly location-specific, alpine biodiversity is particularly vulnerable to climate change because the mountain topography and weather conditions restrict opportunities for species to migrate towards the poles. It is therefore expected that the populations of alpine species will instead respond by shifting their ranges to higher elevations. By coupling models of future ice extent, glacial influence on downstream river habitats, and species ecological niches, an international team of researchers has developed a new method to identify potential future refugia for cold-adapted aquatic species. This new approach can now be used to predict future alpine biodiversity and ensure that actions relating to the adaptation of protected species offer maximum conservation potential.

22 May 2023